Adaptive Visual Imitation Learning for Robotic Assisted Feeding Across Varied Bowl Configurations and Food Types

Published: 16 Apr 2024, Last Modified: 16 Apr 2024CookingRobot2024 PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Robotic Assisted Feeding, Visual Learning, Imitation Learning
Abstract: In this study, we introduce a novel visual imitation network with a spatial attention module for robotic assisted feeding (RAF). The goal is to acquire (i.e., scoop) food items from a bowl. However, achieving robust and adaptive food manipulation is particularly challenging. To deal with this, we propose a framework that integrates visual perception with imitation learning to enable the robot to handle diverse scenarios during scooping. Our approach, named AVIL (adaptive visual imitation learning), exhibits adaptability and robustness across different bowl configurations in terms of material, size, and position, as well as diverse food types including granular, semi-solid, and liquid, even in the presence of distractors. We validate the effectiveness of our approach by conducting experiments on a real robot. We also compare its performance with a baseline. The results demonstrate improvement over the baseline across all scenarios, with an enhancement of up to 2.5 times in terms of a success metric. Notably, our model, trained solely on data from a transparent glass bowl containing granular cereals, showcases generalization ability when tested zero-shot on other bowl configurations with different types of food.
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