Interpreting CLIP: Insights on the Robustness to ImageNet Distribution Shifts

Published: 03 Nov 2024, Last Modified: 03 Nov 2024Accepted by TMLREveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Abstract: What distinguishes robust models from non-robust ones? While for ImageNet distribution shifts it has been shown that such differences in robustness can be traced back predominantly to differences in training data, so far it is not known what that translates to in terms of what the model has learned. In this work, we bridge this gap by probing the representation spaces of 16 robust zero-shot CLIP vision encoders with various backbones (ResNets and ViTs) and pretraining sets (OpenAI, LAION-400M, LAION-2B, YFCC15M, CC12M and DataComp), and comparing them to the representation spaces of less robust models with identical backbones, but different (pre)training sets or objectives (CLIP pretraining on ImageNet-Captions, and supervised training or finetuning on ImageNet). Through this analysis, we generate three novel insights. Firstly, we detect the presence of outlier features in robust zero-shot CLIP vision encoders, which to the best of our knowledge is the first time these are observed in non-language and non-transformer models. Secondly, we find the existence of outlier features to be an indication of ImageNet shift robustness in models, since we only find them in robust models in our analysis. Lastly, we also investigate the number of unique encoded concepts in the representation space and find zero-shot CLIP models to encode a higher number of unique concepts in their representation space. However, we do not find this to be an indicator of ImageNet shift robustness and hypothesize that it is rather related to the language supervision.
Submission Length: Regular submission (no more than 12 pages of main content)
Changes Since Last Submission: Changed take away box 4 according to discussion with reviewer aZBL and rephrased parts of paper that might too strongly suggest causal conclusions, in particular removing the term 'signatures of robustness'.
Assigned Action Editor: ~Pavel_Izmailov1
Submission Number: 2602