Abstract: Inverse reinforcement learning methods aim to retrieve the reward function of a Markov
decision process based on a dataset of expert demonstrations. The commonplace scarcity
and heterogeneous sources of such demonstrations can lead to the absorption of spurious
correlations in the data by the learned reward function. Consequently, this adaptation
often exhibits behavioural overfitting to the expert data set when a policy is trained on the
obtained reward function under distribution shift of the environment dynamics. In this work,
we explore a novel regularization approach for inverse reinforcement learning methods based
on the causal invariance principle with the goal of improved reward function generalization.
By applying this regularization to both exact and approximate formulations of the learning
task, we demonstrate superior policy performance when trained using the recovered reward
functions in a transfer setting.
Submission Length: Regular submission (no more than 12 pages of main content)
Assigned Action Editor: ~Oleg_Arenz1
Submission Number: 2590