Deep Learning-Based Knowledge Injection for Metaphor Detection: A Comprehensive ReviewDownload PDF


16 Oct 2023ACL ARR 2023 October Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: The history of metaphor research marks the evolution of knowledge infusion research. With the continued advancement of deep learning techniques in recent years, the natural language processing community has shown great interests in applying knowledge to successful results In metaphor detection task. Although there has been a gradual increase in the number of approaches involving knowledge injection in the field of metaphor detection, there is a lack of a complete review article on knowledge injection based approaches. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of research advances in the application of deep learning for knowledge injection In metaphor detection task. In this paper, we systematically summarize and generalize the mainstream knowledge and knowledge injection principles, as well as review the datasets, evaluation metrics, and benchmark models used In metaphor detection task. Finally, we explore the current issues facing knowledge injection methods and provide an outlook on future research.
Paper Type: long
Research Area: Summarization
Contribution Types: Surveys
Languages Studied: English
Consent To Share Submission Details: On behalf of all authors, we agree to the terms above to share our submission details.
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