Reducing Uncertainty in 3D Medical Image Segmentation under Limited Annotations through Contrastive Learning

Published: 06 Jun 2024, Last Modified: 17 Jun 2024MIDL 2024 PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Uncertainty, Contrastive, Segmentation, Medical Image
Abstract: Despite recent successes in semi-supervised learning for natural image segmentation, applying these methods to medical images presents challenges in obtaining discriminative representations from limited annotations. While contrastive learning frameworks excel in similarity measures for classification, their transferability to precise pixel-level segmentation in medical images is hindered, particularly when confronted with inherent prediction uncertainty. To overcome this issue, our approach incorporates two subnetworks to rectify erroneous predictions. The first network identifies uncertain predictions, generating an uncertainty attention map. The second network employs an uncertainty-aware descriptor to refine the representation of uncertain regions, enhancing the accuracy of predictions. Additionally, to adaptively recalibrate the representation of uncertain candidates, we define class prototypes based on reliable predictions. We then aim to minimize the discrepancy between class prototypes and uncertain predictions through a deep contrastive learning strategy. Our experimental results on organ segmentation from clinical MRI and CT scans demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach compared to state-of-the-art methods.
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