IDEA-DAC: Integrity-Driven Editing for Accountable Decentralized Anonymous Credentials

Published: 23 Jan 2024, Last Modified: 23 May 2024TheWebConf24EveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: Integrity-driven Editing (IDE), Decentralized Anonymous Credential (DAC), Edit-bound conformity check
TL;DR: IDEA-DAC refines Decentralized Anonymous Credentials (DAC) with Integrity-Driven Editing (IDE), leveraging advanced R1CS circuits for optimal and secure JSON-based credential management.
Abstract: Decentralized Anonymous Credential (DAC) systems are increasingly relevant, especially when enhancing revocation mechanisms in the face of complex traceability challenges. This paper introduces IDEA-DAC, a paradigm shift from the conventional revoke-and-reissue methods, promoting direct and Integrity-Driven Editing (IDE) for Accountable DACs, which results in better integrity accountability, traceability, and system simplicity. We further incorporate an Edit-bound Conformity Check that ensures tailored integrity standards during credential amendments using R1CS-based ZK-SNARKs. Delving deeper, we propose a unique R1CS circuit design tailored for IDE. This design imposes strictly $O(N)$ rank-1 constraints for variable-length JSON documents of up to $N$ bytes in length, encompassing serialization, encryption, and edit-bound conformity checks. Additionally, our circuits only necessitate a one-time compilation, setup, and smart contract deployment for homogeneous JSON documents up to a specified size. While preserving core DAC features such as selective disclosure, anonymity, and predicate provability, IDEA-DAC achieves precise data modification checks that operate without revealing private content, ensuring only authorized edits are permitted. In summary, IDEA-DAC offers an enhanced methodology for large-scale JSON-formatted credential systems, setting a new standard in decentralized identity management efficiency and precision.
Track: Security
Submission Guidelines Scope: Yes
Submission Guidelines Blind: Yes
Submission Guidelines Format: Yes
Submission Guidelines Limit: Yes
Submission Guidelines Authorship: Yes
Student Author: Yes
Submission Number: 2060