FAME: Flexible, Scalable Analogy Mappings EngineDownload PDF


17 Feb 2023 (modified: 05 May 2023)ACL ARR 2023 February Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Analogy is one of the core capacities of human cognition; when faced with new situations, we often transfer prior experience from other domains. Most work on computational analogy relies heavily on complex, manually crafted input. In this work, we relax the input requirements, requiring only names of entities to be mapped. We automatically extract commonsense representations and use them to identify a mapping between the entities. Unlike previous works, our framework can handle partial analogies, suggesting new entities to be added. Our method's output is easily interpretable.Experiments show that our model correctly maps 81.2% of classical 2x2 analogy problems. On larger problems, it achieves 77.8% accuracy (mean guess level: 13.1%). In another experiment, we show our algorithm outperforms human performance, and the automatic suggestions of new entities resemble those suggested by humans. We hope this work will advance computational analogy by paving the way to more flexible, realistic input requirements, with broader applicability.
Paper Type: long
Research Area: NLP Applications
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