Higher-Dimensional Potential Heuristics: Lower Bound Criterion and Connection to Correlation Complexity

Published: 12 Feb 2024, Last Modified: 06 Mar 2024ICAPS 2024EveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: classical planning, factored state space, potential heuristic, satisficing planning
TL;DR: We introduce a criterion to give a lower bound to the answer of "What dimension is needed to express a heuristic as a potential heuristics?".
Abstract: The correlation complexity is a measure of planning tasks indicating how hard they are. This measure is based on the question "What dimension is needed to express a heuristic as a potential heuristic?". In the introducing work, the authors provided sufficient criteria to detect a correlation complexity of at least 2 on a planning task. They also introduced an example of a planning task with correlation complexity 3. In this work, we introduce a criterion to detect a lower bound for the aforementioned question. This can also be used to detect an arbitrary correlation complexity and extend the mentioned example to show with the new criterion that planning tasks with arbitrary correlation complexity exist.
Primary Keywords: Theory
Category: Long
Student: Graduate
Supplemtary Material: pdf
Submission Number: 82