The Ultimate Combo: Boosting Adversarial Example Transferability by Composing Data AugmentationsDownload PDF

Published: 01 Feb 2023, Last Modified: 13 Feb 2023Submitted to ICLR 2023Readers: Everyone
Keywords: Adversarial machine learning, transferability, evasion, black-box attacks
TL;DR: We comprehensively studied data-augmentation methods for enhancing the transferability of adversarial examples, finding compositions that work best, and advancing the state of the art.
Abstract: Transferring adversarial examples from surrogate (ML) models to evade target models is a common method for evaluating adversarial robustness in black-box settings. Researchers have invested substantial efforts to enhance transferability. Chiefly, attacks leveraging data augmentation have been found to help adversarial examples generalize better from surrogate to target models. Still, prior work has explored a limited set of augmentation techniques and their composition. To fill the gap, we conducted a systematic, comprehensive study of how data augmentation affects transferability. Particularly, we explored ten augmentation techniques of six categories originally proposed to help ML models generalize to unseen benign samples, and assessed how they influence transferability, both when applied individually and when composed. Our extensive experiments with the ImageNet dataset showed that simple color-space augmentations (e.g., color to greyscale) outperform the state of the art when combined with standard augmentations, such as translation and scaling. Additionally, except for two methods that may harm transferability, we found that composing augmentation methods impacts transferability monotonically (i.e., more methods composed $\rightarrow$ $\ge$transferability)---the best composition we found significantly outperformed the state of the art (e.g., 95.6% vs. 90.9% average transferability from normally trained surrogates to other normally trained models). We provide intuitive, empirically supported explanations for why certain augmentations fail to improve transferability.
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