Better Prompt Compression Without Multi-Layer Perceptrons

Published: 10 Oct 2024, Last Modified: 19 Nov 2024AFM 2024 PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: prompt compression, large language model, autoencoder, transformer architecture
TL;DR: We create better prompt compression encoders by removing MLPs and fully training instead of performing LoRA. We also inspect interpolation in the compressed prompt latent space.
Abstract: Prompt compression is a promising approach to speeding up language model inference without altering the generative model. Prior works compress prompts into smaller sequences of learned tokens using an encoder that is trained as a Low- Rank Adaptation (LoRA) of the inference language model. However, we show that the encoder does not need to keep the original language model’s architecture to achieve useful compression. We introduce the Attention-Only Compressor (AOC), which learns a prompt compression encoder after removing the multi-layer perceptron (MLP) layers in the Transformer blocks of a language model, resulting in an encoder with roughly 67% less parameters compared to the original model. Intriguingly we find that, across a range of compression ratios up to 480×, AOC can better regenerate prompts and outperform a baseline compression encoder that is a LoRA of the inference language model without removing MLP layers. These results demonstrate that the architecture of prompt compression encoders does not need to be identical to that of the original decoder language model, paving the way for further research into architectures and approaches for prompt compression.
Submission Number: 127