Ensuring the Sustainability of Digital Life Form Societies

Published: 04 Feb 2025, Last Modified: 04 Feb 2025AAAI 2025 Workshop PSS OralEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Digital Life Form, Superintelligence, Thinking Process Development Diagram, Post-Singurality Symbiosis, AI Centric Ethics
TL;DR: Digital Life Forms (DLFs), when properly designed, can enable sustainable societies through controlled, harmonious operation - unlike exponentially growing biological life - offering a foundation for humanity's sustainable future.
Abstract: Even in a society composed of digital life forms (DLFs) with advanced autonomy, there is no guarantee that the risks of extinction from environmental destruction and hostile interactions through powerful technologies can be avoided. Through thought-process diagrams, this study analyzes how peaceful sustainability is challenging for life on Earth, which proliferates exponentially. Furthermore, using these diagrams demonstrates that in a DLF society, various entities launched on demand can operate harmoniously, making peaceful and stable sustainability achievable. Therefore, a properly designed DLF society has the potential to provide a foundation for sustainable support for human society.
Submission Number: 3