PC-SwinMorph: Patch Representation for Unsupervised Medical Image Registration

TMLR Paper1800 Authors

08 Nov 2023 (modified: 31 Mar 2024)Rejected by TMLREveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Abstract: Medical image registration is a critical task for several clinical procedures. Manual realisation of those tasks is time-consuming and the quality is highly dependent on the level of expertise of the physician. To mitigate that laborious task, automatic tools have been developed where the majority of solutions are supervised techniques. However, in the medical domain, the strong assumption of having a well-representative ground truth is far from being realistic. To overcome this challenge, unsupervised techniques have been investigated. However, they are still limited in performance and they fail to produce plausible results. In this work, we propose a novel unsupervised framework for image registration that we call PC-SwinMorph. The core of our framework is two patch-based strategies, where we demonstrate that patch representation is key for performance gain. We first introduce a patch-based contrastive strategy that enforces locality conditions and richer feature representation. We also introduce a novel patch stitching strategy based on a 3D window/shifted-window multi-head self-attention module to eliminate artifacts from the patch splitting. We demonstrate, through a set of numerical and visual results, that our technique outperforms current state-of-the-art unsupervised techniques.
Submission Length: Regular submission (no more than 12 pages of main content)
Previous TMLR Submission Url: https://openreview.net/forum?id=hIyIr3T78o&referrer=%5BAuthor%20Console%5D(%2Fgroup%3Fid%3DTMLR%2FAuthors%23your-submissions)
Changes Since Last Submission: We have clearly indicated all the changes made during the rebuttal stage.
Assigned Action Editor: ~Matthew_Blaschko1
Submission Number: 1800