Personalized News Recommendation with Candidate-aware User ModelingDownload PDF


17 Sept 2021 (modified: 05 May 2023)ACL ARR 2021 September Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: News recommendation aims to match news with personalized user interest. Existing methods for news recommendation usually model user interest from historical clicked news without the consideration of candidate news. However, each user usually has multiple interests, and it is difficult for these methods to accurately match a candidate news with a specific user interest. In this paper, we present a candidate-aware user modeling method for personalized news recommendation, which can incorporate candidate news into user modeling for better matching between candidate news and user interest. More specifically, we propose a candidate-aware self-attention network that uses candidate news as guidance to model candidate-aware global user interest. In addition, we propose a candidate-aware CNN network to incorporate candidate news into local behavior context modeling to learn candidate-aware short-term user interest. Besides, we use a candidate-aware attention network to aggregate previously clicked news weighted by their relevance with candidate news to build candidate-aware user representation. The experiments on real-world datasets show the effectiveness of our approach in improving news recommendation performance.
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