SwiftMedSAM: An Ultra-Lightweight Prompt-based Universal Medical Image Segmentation Model for Highly Constrained Environments

26 May 2024 (modified: 24 Jun 2024)CVPR 2024 Workshop MedSAMonLaptop SubmissionEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY-SA 4.0
Keywords: Medical Imaging Segmentation, Segment Anything, Deep Learning
Abstract: Medical image segmentation is a crucial step for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning, as it provides quantitative informa- tion about anatomical structures and pathological lesions in various clinical scenarios. However, the existing methodologies have limitations in terms of their generalizability and computational efficiency. In this study, we propose SwiftMedSAM, an ultra-lightweight prompt-based general model, to enable efficient medical image segmentation even in resource-constrained environments. Based on LiteMedSAM, we signifi- cantly reduced the model size and computational complexity through the hyperparameter optimization of the image encoder and mask decoder components. The developed model shows remarkable segmentation per- formance across various imaging modalities and anatomical structures while enabling real-time inference in resource-limited computing envi- ronments. The experimental results demonstrate that SwiftMedSAM outperforms the existing methodologies in terms of the trade-off between accuracy and efficiency. SwiftMedSAM achieved a validation score of 0.75 on the validation dataset. Owing to its unprecedented generalizability and low computational cost, SwiftMedSAM is expected to enable high- quality medical image analysis in resource-constrained settings, thereby contributing to advancements in precision medicine and telemedicine.
Submission Number: 4