Maximizing Information in Domain-Invariant Representation Improves Transfer Learning

TMLR Paper3174 Authors

12 Aug 2024 (modified: 26 Nov 2024)Under review for TMLREveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Abstract: The most effective domain adaptation (DA) technique involves the decomposition of data representation into a domain-independent representation (DIRep) and a domain-dependent representation (DDRep). A classifier is trained by using the DIRep on the labeled source images. Since the DIRep is domain invariant, the classifier can be “transferred” to make predictions for the target domain with no (or few) labels. However, information useful for classification in the target domain can “hide” in the DDRep. Current DA algorithms, such as Domain-Separation Networks (DSN), do not adequately address this issue. DSN’s weak constraint to enforce the orthogonality of DIRep and DDRep allows this hiding effect and can result in poor performance. To address this shortcoming, we develop a new algorithm wherein a stronger constraint is imposed to minimize the information content in DDRep to create a DIRep that retains relevant information about the target labels and, in turn, results in a better invariant representation. By using synthetic datasets, we show explicitly that depending on the initialization, DSN, with its weaker constraint, can lead to sub-optimal solutions with poorer DA performance. In contrast, our algorithm is robust against such perturbations. We demonstrate the equal-or-better performance of our approach against DSN and other recent DA methods by using several standard benchmark image datasets. We further highlight the compatibility of our algorithm with pre-trained models for classifying real-world images and showcase its adaptability and versatility through its application in network intrusion detection.
Submission Length: Long submission (more than 12 pages of main content)
Changes Since Last Submission: - New title - New abstract - revised version based on reviews and requested changes - a diff version that highlights the changes from the original
Assigned Action Editor: ~changjian_shui1
Submission Number: 3174