Towards predicting future time intervals on Temporal Knowledge Graphs

Published: 20 Oct 2023, Last Modified: 24 Nov 2023TGL Workshop 2023 ShortPaperEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: Temporal Knowledge Graphs, Time Prediction, Time Intervals, Forecasting
TL;DR: Short paper describing a system for predicting time intervals on Temporal Knowledge Graphs
Abstract: Temporal Knowledge Graphs (TKGs), a temporal extension of Knowledge Graphs where facts are contextualized by time information, have received increasing attention in the temporal graph learning community. In this short paper we focus on TKGs where the temporal contexts are time intervals, and address the time prediction problem in the forecasting setting. We propose both a system architecture for addressing the task and a benchmarking methodology.
Format: Short paper, up to 4 pages.
Submission Number: 43