AdaptSim: Task-Driven Simulation Adaptation for Sim-to-Real TransferDownload PDF

Published: 30 Aug 2023, Last Modified: 03 Jul 2024CoRL 2023 PosterReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Contact-rich manipulation, sim-to-real transfer
Abstract: Simulation parameter settings such as contact models and object geometry approximations are critical to training robust manipulation policies capable of transferring from simulation to real-world deployment. There is often an irreducible gap between simulation and reality: attempting to match the dynamics between simulation and reality may be infeasible and may not lead to policies that perform well in reality for a specific task. We propose AdaptSim, a new task-driven adaptation framework for sim-to-real transfer that aims to optimize task performance in target (real) environments. First, we meta-learn an adaptation policy in simulation using reinforcement learning for adjusting the simulation parameter distribution based on the current policy's performance in a target environment. We then perform iterative real-world adaptation by inferring new simulation parameter distributions for policy training. Our extensive simulation and hardware experiments demonstrate AdaptSim achieving 1-3x asymptotic performance and 2x real data efficiency when adapting to different environments, compared to methods based on Sys-ID and directly training the task policy in target environments.
Student First Author: yes
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TL;DR: We propose AdaptSim, a new task-driven adaptation framework for sim-to-real transfer that aims to optimize task performance in target (real) environments
Publication Agreement: pdf
Poster Spotlight Video: mp4
Community Implementations: [![CatalyzeX](/images/catalyzex_icon.svg) 3 code implementations](
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