Say-REAPEx: An LLM-Modulo UAV Online Planning Framework for Search and Rescue

Published: 24 Oct 2024, Last Modified: 06 Nov 2024LEAP 2024 PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Search and Rescue Robots, AI-Enabled Robotics, Aerial Systems: Applications
TL;DR: Say-REAPEx, in SAR, plans high-level tasks with a set of low-level actions, by discarding irrelevant or lowly feasible actions based on domain-specific knowledge, while leveraging online heuristic search to reduce uncertainty of future rewards.
Abstract: While unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are proven beneficial in search and rescue (SAR) missions, the scalability of their deployment is in practice still challenging as high-level decision-making capabilities for UAVs still lack, and the natural human-in-the-loop command and communications in a SAR mission are rarely tackled. Some promising largelanguage-model- (LLM-)modulo planning frameworks have been developed for general robotics, combining the strengths of LLMs given their vast training data, but complementing them with domain-specific knowledge and reasoning capabilities for more robust planning. However, adopting the existing frameworks for online planning in a SAR mission requires further adaptations to scale for larger problems, while assuring the real-time planning capability. We introduce Say-REAPEx, an LLM-modulo online planning framework that discards irrelevant or lowly feasible actions based on domain-specific knowledge in order to reduce the size of the planning problem, while leveraging online heuristic search to reduce uncertainty of future rewards. Results of validation tests based on realistic SAR missions show that Say-REAPEx is 70 % more efficient compared to existing frameworks, while maintaining better and comparable success rate.
Submission Number: 7