Generalized Animal Imitator: Agile Locomotion with Versatile Motion Prior

Published: 05 Sept 2024, Last Modified: 22 Oct 2024CoRL 2024EveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Legged Robots, Imitation Learning, Agile Locomotion
TL;DR: Our system learns a multiple agile locomotion skills with a single instructable motion prior from a diverse reference motion dataset.
Abstract: The agility of animals, particularly in complex activities such as running, turning, jumping, and backflipping, stands as an exemplar for robotic system design. Transferring this suite of behaviors to legged robotic systems introduces essential inquiries: How can a robot be trained to learn multiple locomotion behaviors simultaneously? How can the robot execute these tasks with a smooth transition? How to integrate these skills for wide-range applications? This paper introduces the Versatile Instructable Motion prior (VIM) – a Reinforcement Learning framework designed to incorporate a range of agile locomotion tasks suitable for advanced robotic applications. Our framework enables legged robots to learn diverse agile low-level skills by imitating animal motions and manually designed motions. Our Functionality reward guides the robot's ability to adopt varied skills, and our Stylization reward ensures that robot motions align with reference motions. Our evaluations of the VIM framework span both simulation environments and real-world deployment. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that allows a robot to concurrently learn diverse agile locomotion skills using a single learning-based controller in the real world.
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Student Paper: yes
Submission Number: 16