Worst-Case Optimal Multi-Armed Gaussian Best Arm Identification with a Fixed Budget

TMLR Paper1992 Authors

01 Jan 2024 (modified: 10 Mar 2024)Rejected by TMLREveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Abstract: This study investigates the experimental design problem for identifying the arm with the highest expected outcome, referred to as best arm identification (BAI). In our experiments, the number of treatment-allocation rounds is fixed. During each round, a decision-maker allocates an arm and observes a corresponding outcome, which follows a Gaussian distri- bution with variances that can differ among the arms. At the end of the experiment, the decision-maker recommends one of the arms as an estimate of the best arm. To design an experiment, we first discuss lower bounds for the probability of misidentification. Our anal- ysis highlights that the available information on the outcome distribution, such as means (expected outcomes), variances, and the choice of the best arm, significantly influences the lower bounds. Because available information is limited in actual experiments, we develop a lower bound that is valid under the unknown means and the unknown choice of the best arm, which are referred to as the worst-case lower bound. We demonstrate that the worst-case lower bound depends solely on the variances of the outcomes. Then, under the assumption that the variances are known, we propose the Generalized-Neyman-Allocation (GNA)-empirical-best-arm (EBA) strategy, an extension of the Neyman allocation proposed by Neyman (1934). We show that the GNA-EBA strategy is asymptotically optimal in the sense that its probability of misidentification aligns with the lower bounds as the sample size increases infinitely and the differences between the expected outcomes of the best and other suboptimal arms converge to the same values across arms. We refer to such strategies as asymptotically worst-case optimal.
Submission Length: Regular submission (no more than 12 pages of main content)
Previous TMLR Submission Url: https://openreview.net/forum?id=Q6BjJ4fH6J&nesting=2&sort=date-desc
Changes Since Last Submission: We fixed the Font.
Assigned Action Editor: ~Branislav_Kveton1
Submission Number: 1992