TL;DR: This talk focuses on the complete synchronization of coupled delayed discontinuous systems (DDSs).
Abstract: This talk focuses on the complete synchronization of coupled delayed discontinuous systems (DDSs). Without constraints on the derivatives of time delays, several new conditions are exploited to guarantee the global existence of Filippov solutions for DDSs. A nonsmooth intermittent control combined with an event-triggering strategy is then designed. The conspicuous feature of this control scheme is that the measurement error in the event-triggering mechanism is formulated as a linear form, which can reduce computation burden compared to classical approaches. To address the challenges posed by Filippov solutions and intermittent control, novel analytical techniques, including an original lemma and a weighted-norm-based Lyapunov function, are developed so that sufficient synchronization conditions for DDSs are obtained. Finally, the effectiveness of the theoretical findings is confirmed by Hopfield neural networks.
Submission Number: 106