Spinel Oxides as Catalysts in Alkaline Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells for Sustainable Energy

NeurIPS 2023 Workshop CompSust Submission24 Authors

04 Oct 2023 (modified: 15 Dec 2023)Submitted to NeurIPS CompSust 2023EveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: Sustainable energy, hydrogen fuel cells, inorganic crystals, feature selection, linear and nonlinear models
Abstract: Developing renewable energy technologies that meet human needs is essential for climate change mitigation, reducing air and water pollution, conserving natural resources, and enhancing energy security. We focus on electrocatalysts, specifically Spinel oxides in hydrogen fuel cells for sustainable energy conversion, where we evaluate electrochemical properties related to ions with varying charges or positions within the catalysts. One standout predictor of catalytic performance is the ionic Lewis acid strength of 2+ ions. Surprisingly, linear regression models using this descriptor perform well in cross-validation, nearly matching the performance of more complex linear and nonlinear methods with richer feature sets.
Submission Number: 24