Detecting Errors in a Numerical Response via any Regression Model

Published: 21 Mar 2024, Last Modified: 21 Mar 2024Accepted by DMLREveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Abstract: Noise plagues many numerical datasets, where the recorded values in the data may fail to match the true underlying values due to reasons including: erroneous sensors, data entry/processing mistakes, or imperfect human estimates. We consider general regression settings with covariates and a potentially corrupted response whose observed values may contain errors. By accounting for various uncertainties, we introduced veracity scores that distinguish between genuine errors and natural data fluctuations, conditioned on the available covariate information in the dataset. We propose a simple yet efficient filtering procedure for eliminating potential errors, and establish theoretical guarantees for our method. We also contribute a new error detection benchmark involving 5 regression datasets with real-world numerical errors (for which the true values are also known). In this benchmark and additional simulation studies, our method identifies incorrect values with better precision/recall than other approaches.
Keywords: aleatoric uncertainty, epistemic uncertainty, supervised machine learning
Changes Since Last Submission: Add dates, names and editor to OpenReview for camera-ready version.
Assigned Action Editor: ~Raul_Castro_Fernandez1
Submission Number: 17