Trojans and Adversarial Examples: A Lethal CombinationDownload PDF

28 Sept 2020 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2021 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: In this work, we naturally unify adversarial examples and Trojan backdoors into a new stealthy attack, that is activated only when 1) adversarial perturbation is injected into the input examples and 2) a Trojan backdoor is used to poison the training process simultaneously. Different from traditional attacks, we leverage adversarial noise in the input space to move Trojan-infected examples across the model decision boundary, thus making it difficult to be detected. Our attack can fool the user into accidentally trusting the infected model as a robust classifier against adversarial examples. We perform a thorough analysis and conduct an extensive set of experiments on several benchmark datasets to show that our attack can bypass existing defenses with a success rate close to 100%.
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