Keywords: formal theorem proving, large language models, reinforcement learning
TL;DR: We design an RL-based training algorithm that encourages LLMs to write formal proofs by proposing and proving new lemmas, mimicking how mathematicians train themselves.
Abstract: Mathematical theorem proving is an important testbed for large language models’ deep and abstract reasoning capability. This paper focuses on improving LLMs’ ability to write proofs in formal languages that permit automated proof verification/evaluation. Most previous results provide human-written lemmas to the theorem prover, which is an arguably oversimplified setting that does not sufficiently test the provers' planning and decomposition capabilities. Instead, we work in a more natural setup where the lemmas that are directly relevant to the theorem are not given to the theorem prover at test time. We design an RL-based training algorithm that encourages the model to decompose a theorem into lemmas, prove the lemmas, and then prove the theorem by using the lemmas. Our reward mechanism is inspired by how mathematicians train themselves: even if a theorem is too challenging to be proved by the current model, a positive reward is still given to the model for any correct and novel lemmas that are proposed and proved in this process. During training, our model proposes and proves lemmas that are not in the training dataset. In fact, these newly proposed correct lemmas consist of 37.7\% of the training replay buffer when we train on the dataset extracted from Archive of Formal Proofs (AFP). The model trained by our RL algorithm outperforms that trained by supervised finetuning, improving the pass rate from 40.8\% to 45.5\% on AFP test set, and from 36.5\% to 39.5\% on an out-of-distribution test set.
Concurrent Submissions: ICLR 2025
Submission Number: 81