Keywords: Composition, Diffusion, Few-shot learning
TL;DR: We propose a novel compositional approach called DSE- Diffusion Score Equilibrium that enables few-shot learning for novel skills by utilizing a combination of base policy priors.
Abstract: Humans can perform various combinations of physical skills without having to relearn skills from scratch every single time. For example, we can swing a bat when walking without having to re-learn such a policy from scratch by composing the individual skills of walking and bat swinging. Enabling robots to combine or compose skills is essential so they can learn novel skills and tasks faster with fewer real world samples. To this end, we propose a novel compositional approach called DSE- Diffusion Score Equilibrium that enables few-shot learning for novel skills by utilizing a combination of base policy priors. Our method is based on probabilistically composing diffusion policies to better model the few-shot demonstration data-distribution than any individual policy. Our goal here is to learn robot motions few-shot and not necessarily goal oriented trajectories. By using our few-shot learning approach DSE, we show that we are able to achieve a reduction of over 30% in MMD distance across skills and number of demonstrations. Moreover, we show the utility of our approach through real world experiments by teaching novel trajectories to a robot in 5 demonstrations.
Submission Number: 5