Keywords: Graph Neural Networks; convergence laws
TL;DR: We investigate a very strong convergence property applicable to GNN probabilistic classifiers -- asymptotic almost sure convergence -- and show that it applies to a broad range of GNN architectures and random graph models.
Abstract: We present a new angle on the expressive power of graph neural networks (GNNs) by studying how the predictions of real-valued GNN classifiers, such as those classifying graphs probabilistically, evolve as we apply them on larger graphs drawn from some random graph model. We show that the output converges to a constant function, which upper-bounds what these classifiers can uniformly express. This strong convergence phenomenon applies to a very wide class of GNNs, including state of the art models, with aggregates including mean and the attention-based mechanism of graph transformers. Our results apply to a broad class of random graph models, including sparse and dense variants of the Erdős-Rényi model, the stochastic block model, and the Barabási-Albert model. We empirically validate these findings, observing that the convergence phenomenon appears not only on random graphs but also on some real-world graphs.
Primary Area: Graph neural networks
Submission Number: 11221