Geometry-Aware Autoencoders for Metric Learning and Generative Modeling on Data Manifolds

Published: 17 Jun 2024, Last Modified: 13 Jul 2024ICML 2024 Workshop GRaMEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Track: Extended abstract
Keywords: Riemannian Generative Modeling, Manifold Learning, Single-cell Dynamics
Abstract: Non-linear dimensionality reduction methods have proven successful at learning low-dimensional representations of high-dimensional point clouds on or near data manifolds. However, existing methods are not easily extensible— for large datasets, it is prohibitively expensive to add new points to these embeddings. As a result, it is very difficult to use existing embeddings generatively, to sample new points on and along these manifolds. In this paper, we propose GAGA (geometry-aware generative autoencoders) a framework which merges the power of generative deep learning with non-linear manifold learning by: 1) learning generalizable geometry-aware neural network embeddings based on non-linear dimensionality reduction methods like PHATE and diffusion maps, 2) deriving a non-euclidean pullback metric on the data space to generate points faithfully along data manifold geodesics, and 3) learning a flow on the manifold that allows us to transport populations. We provide illustration on easily-interpretable synthetic datasets and showcase results on simulated and real single cell datasets. We show that the geodesic-based generation can be especially important for scientific datasets where the manifold represents a state space and geodesics can represent dynamics of entities over this space.
Submission Number: 72