Getting Sick After Seeing a Doctor? Diagnosing and Mitigating Knowledge Conflicts in Event Temporal Reasoning
Abstract: Event temporal reasoning aims at identifying the temporal relations between two or more events from narratives. However, \textit{knowledge conflicts} arise when there is a mismatch between the actual temporal relations of events in the context and the prior knowledge or biases learned by the model. In this paper, we propose to detect knowledge-conflict examples in event temporal reasoning using bias indicators, which include \textit{event relation prior} bias, \textit{tense} bias, \textit{narrative} bias, and \textit{dependency} bias.
We define conflict examples as those where event relations are opposite to biased or prior relations. To mitigate event-related knowledge conflicts, we introduce a Counterfactual Data Augmentation (CDA) based method that can be applied to both Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) and Large Language Models (LLMs) either as additional training data or demonstrations for In-Context Learning. Experiments suggest both PLMs and LLMs suffer from knowledge conflicts in event temporal reasoning, and CDA has the potential for reducing \textit{hallucination} and improving model performance.
Paper Type: long
Research Area: Semantics: Sentence-level Semantics, Textual Inference and Other areas
Contribution Types: Model analysis & interpretability, NLP engineering experiment, Data analysis
Languages Studied: English
Consent To Share Submission Details: On behalf of all authors, we agree to the terms above to share our submission details.
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