Adaptive Differential Privacy in Federated Learning: A Priority-Based ApproachDownload PDF

29 Sept 2021 (modified: 13 Feb 2023)ICLR 2022 Conference Withdrawn SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Federated Learning, Differential privacy, Feature importance, Deep neural networks
Abstract: Federated learning (FL) as one of the novel branches of distributed machine learning (ML), develops global models through a private procedure without direct access to local datasets. However, access to model updates (e.g. gradient updates in deep neural networks) transferred between clients and servers can reveal sensitive information to adversaries. Differential privacy (DP) offers a framework that gives a privacy guarantee by adding certain amounts of noise to parameters. This approach, although being effective in terms of privacy, adversely affects model performance due to noise involvement. Hence, it is always needed to find a balance between noise injection and the sacrificed accuracy. To address this challenge, we propose adaptive noise addition in FL which decides the value of injected noise based on features’ relative importance. Here, we first propose two effective methods for prioritizing features in deep neural network models and then perturb models' weights based on this information. Specifically, we try to figure out whether the idea of adding more noise to less important parameters and less noise to more important parameters can effectively save the model accuracy while preserving privacy. Our experiments confirm this statement under some conditions. The amount of noise injected, the proportion of parameters involved, and the number of global iterations can significantly change the output. While a careful choice of parameters by considering the properties of datasets can improve privacy without intense loss of accuracy, a bad choice can make the model performance worse.
One-sentence Summary: We propose an approach for adaptive differential privacy in federated learning to lower the risk of accuracy loss due to noise injection.
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