Segment Anything Model for Instance Segmentation in Kidney Histopathology Images

Published: 27 Apr 2024, Last Modified: 28 May 2024MIDL 2024 Short PapersEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Multi-Class Segmentation, Segment Anything Model, Nephrology, Kidney Pathology, Kidney Transplantation
Abstract: Kidney transplantation offers a significant improvement in the quality of life for individuals with irreversible kidney failure. Early detection of rejection through pathologists’ assessment of kidney biopsies is critical to ensure long-term graft survival. Traditional assessment methods rely on semi-quantitative estimations from a pathologist while implementing deep learning models holds promise for providing more accurate measurements. Large annotated datasets, required to train such models, are challenging to obtain for kidney tissue. In this study, we fine-tune and modify the Segment Anything Model (SAM) to facilitate instance segmentation on whole-slide imaging (WSI) data. Leveraging SAM’s zero-shot capability, we accelerate dataset creation by automatically obtaining annotations which we refine and label. We demonstrate promising results with limited annotated slides for training. Additionally, our approach allows for iterative dataset expansion to enhance model performance over time. Code is available at:
Submission Number: 72