Conformer: A Parallel Segmentation Network Combining Swin Transformer and Convolution Neutral Network

10 Sept 2023 (modified: 22 Dec 2023)Submitted to FLARE 2023EveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: Abdominal organ and tumor segmentation, Hybrid architecture, Pseudo-label
TL;DR: Efficient parallel hybrid network combining CNN and Swin Transformer
Abstract: Abdominal organ segmentation can help doctors to have a more intuitive observation of the abdominal organ structure and tissue lesion structure, thereby improving the accuracy of disease diagnosis. Accurate segmentation results can provide valuable information for clinical diagnosis and follow-up, such as organ size, location, boundary status, and spatial relationship of multiple organs. Manual labels are precious and difficult to obtain in medical segmentation, so the use of pseudo-labels is an irresistible trend. In this paper, we demonstrate that pseudo-labels are beneficial to enrich the learning samples and enhance the feature learning ability of the model for abdominal organs and tumors. In this paper, we propose a semi-supervised parallel segmentation model that simultaneously aggregates local and global information using parallel modules of CNNS and transformers at high scales. The two-stage strategy and lightweight network make our model extremely efficient. Our method achieved an average DSC score of 89.12\% and 93.18\% for the organs on the validation set, the average running time and the average maximum GPU memory and the area under GPU memory-time cure are 15.35s and 279490MB and 16414.11MB, respectively.
Supplementary Material: zip
Submission Number: 20