Similarity Search for Efficient Active Learning and Search of Rare ConceptsDownload PDF

28 Sept 2020 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2021 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: active learning, active search
Abstract: Many active learning and search approaches are intractable for industrial settings with billions of unlabeled examples. Existing approaches, such as uncertainty sampling or information density, search globally for the optimal examples to label, scaling linearly or even quadratically with the unlabeled data. However, in practice, data is often heavily skewed; only a small fraction of collected data will be relevant for a given learning task. For example, when identifying rare classes, detecting malicious content, or debugging model performance, positive examples can appear in less than 1% of the data. In this work, we exploit this skew in large training datasets to reduce the number of unlabeled examples considered in each selection round by only looking at the nearest neighbors to the labeled examples. Empirically, we observe that learned representations can effectively cluster unseen concepts, making active learning very effective and substantially reducing the number of viable unlabeled examples. We evaluate several selection strategies in this setting on three large-scale computer vision datasets: ImageNet, OpenImages, and a proprietary dataset of 10 billion images from a large internet company. For rare classes, active learning methods need as little as 0.31% of the labeled data to match the average precision of full supervision. By limiting the selection strategies to the immediate neighbors of the labeled data as candidates for labeling, we process as little as 0.1% of the unlabeled data while achieving similar reductions in labeling costs as the traditional global approach. This process of expanding the candidate pool with the nearest neighbors of the labeled set can be done efficiently and reduces the computational complexity of selection by orders of magnitude.
One-sentence Summary: We introduce Similarity search for Efficient Active Learning and Search (SEALS) to restrict the candidates considered in each selection round and vastly reduce the computational complexity of active learning and search methods.
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