Sequential Coordination of Deep Models for Learning Visual ArithmeticDownload PDF

15 Feb 2018 (modified: 10 Feb 2022)ICLR 2018 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Achieving machine intelligence requires a smooth integration of perception and reasoning, yet models developed to date tend to specialize in one or the other; sophisticated manipulation of symbols acquired from rich perceptual spaces has so far proved elusive. Consider a visual arithmetic task, where the goal is to carry out simple arithmetical algorithms on digits presented under natural conditions (e.g. hand-written, placed randomly). We propose a two-tiered architecture for tackling this kind of problem. The lower tier consists of a heterogeneous collection of information processing modules, which can include pre-trained deep neural networks for locating and extracting characters from the image, as well as modules performing symbolic transformations on the representations extracted by perception. The higher tier consists of a controller, trained using reinforcement learning, which coordinates the modules in order to solve the high-level task. For instance, the controller may learn in what contexts to execute the perceptual networks and what symbolic transformations to apply to their outputs. The resulting model is able to solve a variety of tasks in the visual arithmetic domain,and has several advantages over standard, architecturally homogeneous feedforward networks including improved sample efficiency.
TL;DR: We use reinforcement learning to train an agent to solve a set of visual arithmetic tasks using provided pre-trained perceptual modules and transformations of internal representations created by those modules.
Keywords: reinforcement learning, pretrained, deep learning, perception, algorithmic
Data: [EMNIST](, [MNIST](
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