Semi-supervised 3D Face Reconstruction with Nonlinear Disentangled RepresentationsDownload PDF

25 Sept 2019 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2020 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
TL;DR: We train our face reconstruction model with adversarial loss in semi-supervised manner on hybrid batches of unlabeled and labeled face images to exploit the value of large amounts of unlabeled face images from unconstrained photo collections.
Abstract: Recovering 3D geometry shape, albedo and lighting from a single image has wide applications in many areas, which is also a typical ill-posed problem. In order to eliminate the ambiguity, face prior knowledge like linear 3D morphable models (3DMM) learned from limited scan data are often adopted to the reconstruction process. However, methods based on linear parametric models cannot generalize well for facial images in the wild with various ages, ethnicity, expressions, poses, and lightings. Recent methods aim to learn a nonlinear parametric model using convolutional neural networks (CNN) to regress the face shape and texture directly. However, the models were only trained on a dataset that is generated from a linear 3DMM. Moreover, the identity and expression representations are entangled in these models, which hurdles many facial editing applications. In this paper, we train our model with adversarial loss in a semi-supervised manner on hybrid batches of unlabeled and labeled face images to exploit the value of large amounts of unlabeled face images from unconstrained photo collections. A novel center loss is introduced to make sure that different facial images from the same person have the same identity shape and albedo. Besides, our proposed model disentangles identity, expression, pose, and lighting representations, which improves the overall reconstruction performance and facilitates facial editing applications, e.g., expression transfer. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that our model produces high-quality reconstruction compared to state-of-the-art methods and is robust to various expression, pose, and lighting conditions.
Keywords: 3D face reconstruction, semi-supervised learning, disentangled representation, inverse rendering, graph convolutional networks
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