Abstract: Many NLP tasks including machine comprehension, answer selection and text entailment require the comparison between sequences. Matching the important units between sequences is a key to solve these problems. In this paper, we present a general "compare-aggregate" framework that performs word-level matching followed by aggregation using Convolutional Neural Networks. We particularly focus on the different comparison functions we can use to match two vectors. We use four different datasets to evaluate the model. We find that some simple comparison functions based on element-wise operations can work better than standard neural network and neural tensor network.
TL;DR: A general "compare-aggregate" framework that performs word-level matching followed by aggregation using Convolutional Neural Networks
Conflicts: smu.edu.sg
Keywords: Natural language processing, Deep learning
Community Implementations: [ 2 code implementations](https://www.catalyzex.com/paper/arxiv:1611.01747/code)
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