Scaling up Deep Learning for PDE-based ModelsDownload PDF

27 Sept 2018 (modified: 29 Sept 2024)ICLR 2019 Conference Withdrawn SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Across numerous applications, forecasting relies on numerical solvers for partial differential equations (PDEs). Although the use of deep-learning techniques has been proposed, the uses have been restricted by the fact the training data are obtained using PDE solvers. Thereby, the uses were limited to domains, where the PDE solver was applicable, but no further. We present methods for training on small domains, while applying the trained models on larger domains, with consistency constraints ensuring the solutions are physically meaningful even at the boundary of the small domains. We demonstrate the results on an air-pollution forecasting model for Dublin, Ireland.
Keywords: recurrent neural networks, partial differential equation, domain decomposition, consistency constraints, advection, diffusion
TL;DR: We present RNNs for training surrogate models of PDEs, wherein consistency constraints ensure the solutions are physically meaningful, even when the training uses much smaller domains than the trained model is applied to.
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