TL;DR: We develop an approach to parcellate a hidden layer in DNN into functionally related groups, by applying spectral coclustering on the attribution scores of hidden neurons.
Keywords: DNN, modularity
Abstract: While real brain networks exhibit functional modularity, we investigate whether functional mod- ularity also exists in Deep Neural Networks (DNN) trained through back-propagation. Under the hypothesis that DNN are also organized in task-specific modules, in this paper we seek to dissect a hidden layer into disjoint groups of task-specific hidden neurons with the help of relatively well- studied neuron attribution methods. By saying task-specific, we mean the hidden neurons in the same group are functionally related for predicting a set of similar data samples, i.e. samples with similar feature patterns.
We argue that such groups of neurons which we call Functional Modules can serve as the basic functional unit in DNN. We propose a preliminary method to identify Functional Modules via bi- clustering attribution scores of hidden neurons.
We find that first, unsurprisingly, the functional neurons are highly sparse, i.e., only a small sub- set of neurons are important for predicting a small subset of data samples and, while we do not use any label supervision, samples corresponding to the same group (bicluster) show surprisingly coherent feature patterns. We also show that these Functional Modules perform a critical role in discriminating data samples through ablation experiment.
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