Pattern Selection for Optimal Classical Planning with Saturated Cost PartitioningDownload PDF


18 Mar 2019 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICAPS 2019 Workshop HSDIP Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: optimal classical planning, cost partitioning
TL;DR: Using saturated cost partitioning to select patterns is preferable to all existing pattern selection algorithms.
Abstract: Pattern databases are the foundation of some of the strongest admissible heuristics for optimal classical planning. Experiments showed that the most informative way of combining information from multiple pattern databases is to use saturated cost partitioning. Previous work selected patterns and computed saturated cost partitionings over the resulting pattern database heuristics in two separate steps. We introduce a new method that uses saturated cost partitioning to select patterns and show that it outperforms all existing pattern selection algorithms.
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