Unsupervised deformable image registration with fully connected generative neural networkDownload PDF

Published: 11 Jul 2022, Last Modified: 05 May 2023MIDL 2018 PosterReaders: Everyone
Abstract: In this paper, a new deformable image registration method based on a fully connected neural network is proposed. Even though a deformation field related to the point correspondence between fixed and moving images are high-dimensional in nature, we assume that these deformation fields form a low dimensional manifold in many real world applications. Thus, in our method, a neural network generates an embedding of the deformation field from a low dimensional vector. This low-dimensional manifold formulation avoids the intractability associated with the high dimensional search space that most other methods face during image registration. As a result, while most methods rely on explicit and handcrafted regularization of the deformation fields, our algorithm relies on implicitly regularizing the network parameters. The proposed method generates deformation fields from latent low dimensional space by minimizing a dissimilarity metric between a fixed image and a warped moving image. Our method removes the need for a large dataset to optimize the proposed network. The proposed method is quantitatively evaluated using images from the MICCAI ACDC challenge. The results demonstrate that the proposed method improves performance in comparison with a moving mesh registration algorithm, and also it correlates well with independent manual segmentations by an expert.
Author Affiliation: University of Alberta
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