Abstract: Reinforcement learning typically requires carefully designed reward functions in order to learn the desired behavior. We present a novel reward estimation method that is based on a finite sample of optimal state trajectories from expert demon- strations and can be used for guiding an agent to mimic the expert behavior. The optimal state trajectories are used to learn a generative or predictive model of the “good” states distribution. The reward signal is computed by a function of the difference between the actual next state acquired by the agent and the predicted next state given by the learned generative or predictive model. With this inferred reward function, we perform standard reinforcement learning in the inner loop to guide the agent to learn the given task. Experimental evaluations across a range of tasks demonstrate that the proposed method produces superior performance compared to standard reinforcement learning with both complete or sparse hand engineered rewards. Furthermore, we show that our method successfully enables an agent to learn good actions directly from expert player video of games such as the Super Mario Bros and Flappy Bird.
TL;DR: Reward Estimation from Game Videos
Keywords: reinforcement learning, inverse reinforcement learning, imitation learning
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