Tree-Structured Variational AutoencoderDownload PDF

19 Sept 2024 (modified: 21 Jul 2022)Submitted to ICLR 2017Readers: Everyone
Abstract: Many kinds of variable-sized data we would like to model contain an internal hierarchical structure in the form of a tree, including source code, formal logical statements, and natural language sentences with parse trees. For such data it is natural to consider a model with matching computational structure. In this work, we introduce a variational autoencoder-based generative model for tree-structured data. We evaluate our model on a synthetic dataset, and a dataset with applications to automated theorem proving. By learning a latent representation over trees, our model can achieve similar test log likelihood to a standard autoregressive decoder, but with the number of sequentially dependent computations proportional to the depth of the tree instead of the number of nodes in the tree.
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