Graph Adversarial Diffusion Convolution

Published: 02 May 2024, Last Modified: 25 Jun 2024ICML 2024 PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Abstract: This paper introduces a min-max optimization formulation for the Graph Signal Denoising (GSD) problem. In this formulation, we first maximize the second term of GSD by introducing perturbations to the graph structure based on Laplacian distance and then minimize the overall loss of the GSD. By solving the min-max optimization problem, we derive a new variant of the Graph Diffusion Convolution (GDC) architecture, called Graph Adversarial Diffusion Convolution (GADC). GADC differs from GDC by incorporating an additional term that enhances robustness against adversarial attacks on the graph structure and noise in node features. Moreover, GADC improves the performance of GDC on heterophilic graphs. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of GADC across various datasets. Code is available at
Submission Number: 2355