Improving Robustness of Language Models from a Geometry-aware PerspectiveDownload PDF


16 Nov 2021 (modified: 05 May 2023)ACL ARR 2021 November Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Recent studies have found that removing the norm-bounded projection and increasing search steps in adversarial training can significantly improve robustness. However, we observe that a too large number of search steps can hurt accuracy. We aim to obtain strong robustness efficiently using fewer steps. Through a toy experiment, we find that perturbing the clean data to the decision boundary but not crossing it does not degrade the test accuracy. Inspired by this, we propose friendly adversarial data augmentation (FADA) to generate ``friendly'' adversarial data. On top of FADA, we propose geometry-aware adversarial training (GAT) to perform adversarial training (e.g., FGM) on friendly adversarial data so that we can save a large number of search steps. Comprehensive experiments across two widely used datasets and three pre-trained language models demonstrate that GAT can obtain stronger robustness via less steps. In addition, we provide extensive empirical results and in-depth analyses on robustness to facilitate future studies.
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