Can Explanations Be Useful for Calibrating Black Box Models?Download PDF


16 Nov 2021 (modified: 05 May 2023)ACL ARR 2021 November Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: One often wants to take an existing, trained NLP model and use it on data from a new domain. While fine-tuning or few-shot learning can be used to adapt the base model, there is no one simple recipe to getting these working; moreover, one may not have access to the original model weights if it is deployed as a black box. To this end, we study how to improve a black box model's performance on a new domain given examples from the new domain by leveraging explanations of the model's behavior. Our approach first extracts a set of features combining human intuition about the task with model attributions generated by black box interpretation techniques, and then uses a simple model to calibrate or rerank the model's predictions based on the features. We experiment with our method on two tasks, extractive question answering and natural language inference, covering adaptation from several pairs of domains. The experimental results across all the domain pairs show that explanations are useful for calibrating these models. We show that the calibration features transfer to some extent between tasks and shed light on how to effectively use them.
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