NeuralSolver: Learning Algorithms For Consistent and Efficient Extrapolation Across General Tasks

Published: 25 Sept 2024, Last Modified: 06 Nov 2024NeurIPS 2024 posterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Deep learning, algorithm synthesis, recurrent networks, algorithmic reasoning, sequential decision making, extrapolation
TL;DR: A recurrent network that learns scalable algorithms that extrapolate on larger general tasks without fine-tuning.
Abstract: We contribute NeuralSolver, a novel recurrent solver that can efficiently and consistently extrapolate, i.e., learn algorithms from smaller problems (in terms of observation size) and execute those algorithms in large problems. Contrary to previous recurrent solvers, NeuralSolver can be naturally applied in both same-size problems, where the input and output sizes are the same, and in different-size problems, where the size of the input and output differ. To allow for this versatility, we design NeuralSolver with three main components: a recurrent module, that iteratively processes input information at different scales, a processing module, responsible for aggregating the previously processed information, and a curriculum-based training scheme, that improves the extrapolation performance of the method. To evaluate our method we introduce a set of novel different-size tasks and we show that NeuralSolver consistently outperforms the prior state-of-the-art recurrent solvers in extrapolating to larger problems, considering smaller training problems and requiring less parameters than other approaches.
Supplementary Material: zip
Primary Area: Deep learning architectures
Submission Number: 4708