MILLIE: Modular & Iterative Multilingual Open Information ExtractionDownload PDF


16 Nov 2021 (modified: 05 May 2023)ACL ARR 2021 November Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Open Information Extraction (OpenIE) is the task of extracting $(subject, predicate, object)$ triples from natural language sentences. Current OpenIE systems extract all triple slots independently. In contrast, we investigate the hypothesis that it may be beneficial to extract triple slots iteratively: first extract easy slots, followed by the difficult ones by conditioning on the easy slots, and therefore achieve a better overall extraction. Based on this hypothesis, we propose a neural OpenIE system, MILLIE, that operates in an iterative fashion. Due to the iterative nature, the system is also modular: it is possible to seamlessly integrate rule based extraction systems with a neural end-to-end system, thereby allowing rule based systems to supply extraction slots which MILLIE can leverage for extracting the remaining slots. We confirm our hypothesis empirically: MILLIE outperforms SOTA systems on multiple languages ranging from Chinese to Arabic. Additionally, we are the first to provide an OpenIE test dataset for Arabic.
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