Blackbird's language matrices (BLMs): a new benchmark to investigate disentangled generalisation in neural networksDownload PDF


16 Nov 2021 (modified: 05 May 2023)ACL ARR 2021 November Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Current successes of machine learning architectures are based on computationally expensive algorithms and prohibitively large amounts of data. We need to develop tasks and data to train networks to reach more complex and more compositional skills. In this paper, we illustrate Blackbird's language matrices (BLMs), a novel grammatical dataset developed to test a linguistic variant of Raven's progressive matrices, an intelligence test usually based on visual stimuli. The dataset consists of roughly 48000 sentences, generatively constructed to support investigations of current models' linguistic mastery of grammatical rules and their ability to generalize them. We present the logic of the dataset, the method to automatically construct data on a large scale, and the architecture to learn them. Through error analysis and several experiments on variations of the dataset, we demonstrate that this language task and the data that instantiate it provide a new challenging testbed to understand generalization and abstraction.
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