3D-ViTac: Learning Fine-Grained Manipulation with Visuo-Tactile Sensing

Published: 26 Oct 2024, Last Modified: 10 Nov 2024LFDMEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Contact-Rich Manipulation, Multi-Modal Perception, Tactile Sensing, Imitation Learning
Abstract: Tactile and visual perception are both crucial for humans to perform fine-grained interactions with their environment. Developing similar multi-modal sensing capabilities for robots can significantly enhance and expand their manipulation skills. This paper introduces **3D-ViTac**, a multi-modal sensing and learning system designed for dexterous bimanual manipulation. Our system features tactile sensors equipped with dense sensing units, each covering an area of 3$mm^2$. These sensors are low-cost and flexible, providing detailed and extensive coverage of physical contacts, effectively complementing visual information. % To integrate tactile and visual data, we fuse them into a unified 3D representation space that preserves their 3D structures and spatial relationships. The multi-modal representation can then be coupled with diffusion policies for imitation learning. Through concrete hardware experiments, we demonstrate that even low-cost robots can perform precise manipulations and significantly outperform vision-only policies, particularly in safe interactions with fragile items and executing long-horizon tasks involving in-hand manipulation. Our project page is available at https://binghao-huang.github.io/3D-ViTac/.
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Submission Number: 20