Active Learning for Neural PDE Solvers

Published: 30 Sept 2024, Last Modified: 30 Oct 2024D3S3 2024 PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY-SA 4.0
Keywords: Active Learning, Neural PDE Solvers, Scientific Machine Learning, Benchmark, Framework
TL;DR: A benchmark to evaluate pool-based active learning for neural PDE solvers.
Abstract: Solving partial differential equations (PDEs) is a fundamental problem in engineering and science. While neural PDE solvers can be more efficient than established numerical solvers, they often require large amounts of training data that is costly to obtain. Active Learning (AL) could help surrogate models reach the same accuracy with smaller training sets by querying classical solvers with more informative initial conditions and PDE parameters. While AL is more common in other domains, it has yet to be studied extensively for neural PDE solvers. To bridge this gap, we introduce AL4PDE, a modular and extensible AL benchmark. It provides multiple parametric PDEs and state-of-the-art surrogate models for the solver-in-the-loop setting, enabling the evaluation of existing and the development of new AL methods for PDE solving. We use the benchmark to evaluate batch active learning algorithms such as uncertainty- and feature-based methods. We show that AL reduces the average error by up to 71\% compared to random sampling and significantly reduces worst-case errors. Moreover, AL generates similar datasets across repeated runs, with consistent distributions over the PDE parameters and initial conditions. The acquired datasets are reusable, providing benefits for surrogate models not involved in the data generation.
Submission Number: 3